Our Services

Personalized Tutoring



Emerge offers personalized tutoring with specialists in all subject areas from Grades 1 - 12. Tutors at Emerge are familiar with the curriculum from Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. This knowledge of curriculum ensures that our tutors can maximise the tutoring value with each student, integrating the task at hand within the overall expectations of curriculum content. Our educators combine this content knowledge with personalized learning targets which take into account the specific strengths, needs and goals of each student. Lessons focus on the academic demands of the curriculum while considering the diverse needs of each student including their interests, ambitions and cultural background. Personalized tutoring provides the richest opportunity for students to discover, cultivate and expand their knowledge and skills and our tutors work with you to ensure that the personal learning style of the student is incorporated into our sessions

Canadian International School


Students interested in pursuing postsecondary education in Canada may wish to enhance their admission profile by completing a secondary school diploma in Canada. Emerge offers students that opportunity from the comfort of home or in a hybrid mode: online and in person. Students can work online to obtain individual Ontario high school curriculum credits or achieve the entire Canadian Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD). Our courses are designed and developed to meet the requirements and expectations of the Ontario Secondary School curriculum mandated by the Ministry of Education. Students who successfully participate in the Emerge online classes and pass the exams by Emerge will have fulfilled the requirements for admission to local and international universities. Our remote learning instructors are members of the Ontario College of Teachers who are based in Canada. In conjunction with the academic benefits of receiving an OSSD from an accredited school in Canada, international online students also enjoy the advantages of being able to learn at their own pace, easy access to academic support, flexible start dates, and curriculum designed for the digital generation.

Career Exploration and counselling



  • A Career Assessment Profile – a summary of your skills, interests, personality and values to help you determine what occupations you are best suited for.
  • Advice on the education and training required to help you reach your career goals.
  • While everyone will have different outcomes, the process of creating a personalized career path can be broken down into four components: Interests, Skills, Values, Personality.
  • Each component will be explored in a one-on-one session with your Career Counsellor. By the final session, you will have identified the top three career options that match your interests, skills, values, and personality; and leave with an action plan to build on. 
  • Special programs for Autism, ADHD including employment discovery, training programs, employment, on-the-job support.

English and French as second Languages


The benefits of learning a second or even third language are multiple. Within Canada, proficiency in both English and French affords young people the opportunity to expand their personal and professional goals.

English as a Second Language (ESL) and French as a Second Language (FSL) classes promote the writing, speaking, listening and reading comprehension skills necessary to participate and succeed in any of these avenues within Canada and beyond. We do this by creating a baseline measure of their skill level in each of the four main areas of language and designing personalized lessons to target areas of need and build on areas of strength. ESL and FSL lessons help students to acquire more than language skills. They help students acquire knowledge of the cultural norms and behaviours within the targeted language community. Students may be able to act as a bridge from one language community to another. At Emerge, our tutors work with students to establish and achieve language acquisition goals which promote the continued development of the student.